Paul Warren Jacobs

Paul Warren Jacobs is a singer/guitarist and songwriter who’s lead guitar style could be described as melodic, conversational and improvisational. These were the qualities that initiated interest from folks at The Bliss Street Musical.  He’s had a long professional life, opening for Chicago at 18 in 1969, playing the Telluride Jazz Festival in 1977 with Loose Goose (same bill as Muddy Waters, Dizzy Gillespie & Crusaders), touring extensively in Colorado and the surrounding states and moving on to become an integral part of the NYC live music scene in the 80s, 90s and oughts with The Last Band on Earth and Paul Warren Jacobs (solo band). 

He’s recently built his website: which contains recordings, videos (both old and new), photos and history. His role in The Bliss Street Band was principal lead guitar.

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